Happy 8th Birthday MWLP

Happy 8th birthday to me and my little business. I cant believe its been 8 years since I picked up my camera designed a website and a logo and started doing $70 photo shoots. Doesn't seem that long ago. But in that time I've had the pleasure of capturing so many of your memories and its been an absolute privilege, to everyone of you thankyou xx
So as I go into my 8th year and into 2021 I never take my job for granted, the past year has been hard with lots of ups and downs as im sure is the same for photographers world wide. Ive had weddings to rearrange and even had to cancel or postpone. But this year will be better. I look forward to meeting new clients and seeing some old faces too. I know its a little late but Happy New Year to you all. I hope this year brings you health and happiness the two most important things in life.
Lots Of Love Wanda xx

