Happy New Year & Happy 5th Birthday MWLP xx
Wow! What a year its been. Lots of ups and downs, new experiences and another year to watch my small business grow. As we enter the new year (2018) Im excited as this is the year I celebrate my 5th year in business. A huge mile stone for anyone in business 5yrs is the big mile stone. Im thrilled to bits to realise how far ive come and yeah all on my own just me my camera and my pantbrush oh and my family too who are always a huge support to me. Every idea I have I run past the girls & Steve and always get the honest advice back. Steve often accompanys me on assignments and together we make a great team. Thanks Steve for always being there for me. Leiamai also is great with the camera and has been known to work with me too which is always a nice experience. Who knows what 2018 will bring.
2017 was a challenging year, spinal surgeries for me not just once but twice and lots of recovery which is where i discovered my love for paint pouring. And thankfully you love it too as im really busy with commissions and keeping up with the trends. Boho is my thing and im hoping that shows in my designs. So now I have another side to my small business which is very exciting. 2017 also allowed me to have my first ever Raw Event here in Perth so a great stepping stone for my business. My studio is always open, full of my work and bursting with colour. Available to view anytime and theres always something to suit all tastes and budgets guaranteed.
Ive launched a jewellery wardrobe too which consists of pendants bracelets and earrings. All limited designs and stocks though as everything is handmade using my acrylic skins.
So as we enter a new year lets all be thankful for each day and promise to look after our health which is the most important gift we can give ourselves. Hug our families and be kind to ourselves. Its ok to say no, its ok to put yourself first. Smile more, say hello to strangers, walk barefoot, be silly bring abundance to our lives be positive but above all enjoy what your doing, step out of that comfort zone. You know its very rarely busy there xxx
So as I celebrate Made With Love Photographys 5th year, know that I appreciate each and every one of you. The familes ive worked with, the brides and grooms ive had the pleasure of working with the little babies the big babies the grumpy dads the unenthusiastic inlaws I think we all get there in the end and the result is always beautiful. To all my expectant mummies your all awesome. For every client who has dropped by to purchase one of my prints or one of my artworks your support is greatly appreciated. For those clients overseas who have trusted me enough to buy my work Thankyou. To all those school children who I work with every year your all awesome and i love each and every one of you. To my commercial clients who ive had the pleasure of working with for the whole 5 yrs Thankyou so much for coming back to MWLP. Its great to know your happy. And to anyone else whose reading this, my facebook followers and insta followers every like has a ripple effect so please keep liking.
And to my friends and family who I have to let down often due to work commitments thanks for understanding a workaholics ethos and that without me my business doesnt work.
Spreading the love for a fabulous 2018 and lets hope im around in another 5years.